root@linaro-alip:/# i2cdetect
Error: No i2c-bus specified!
Usage: i2cdetect [-y] [-a] [-q|-r] I2CBUS [FIRST LAST]
i2cdetect -F I2CBUS
i2cdetect -l
I2CBUS is an integer or an I2C bus name
If provided, FIRST and LAST limit the probing range.
root@linaro-alip:~# i2cdump
Error: No i2c-bus specified!
Usage: i2cdump [-f] [-y] [-r first-last]
I2CBUS ADDRESS [MODE [BANK [BANKREG]]] I2CBUS is an integer or an I2C bus name
ADDRESS is an integer (0x03 - 0x77)
MODE is one of:
b (byte, default)
w (word)
W (word on even register addresses)
s (SMBus block)
i (I2C block)
c (consecutive byte)
Append p for SMBus PEC